Detroit Diesel Spec Manager v5.3.2 1996-2012 + Activation
Description Detroit Diesel Spec Manager v5.3.2 1996-2012 + Activation
Spec Manager with added data table updates including:
GHG14 (2013) Engine Ratings for:
DD16, DD15, DD15TC, DD13
Added DT12 Detroit Transmission
Spec Manager software sets up and compares various vehicle specifications
to fine tune drivelines saving time and money.
This fun and simple-to-use tool can help you determine what driveline
specifications fit your needs. With Spec Manager, a service person can
troubleshoot a low power problem. Simply choose engine, vehicle, transmission,
tires, and rear axle ratio and Spec Manager will determine the vehicle's fuel
economy and operating performance. Spec Manager can even predict the number of
shifts to be made on a trip and the fuel economy before purchasing a truck.
Develop and troubleshoot tailor-made truck specifications for your customers
with this easy-to-use vehicle specification software. Its a really useful
program. Has simulation mode to check avg fuel economy.
Tags: Detroit